Tuesday, 24 October 2017

A trip down memory lane

A selection of shots from our gaming over the last 12 months.

Period and Rule set listed.

Vietnam War - Chain of Command

Mogadishu - Chain of Command

Fantasy - Age of Sigmar

Sci-Fi - Star Wars Armada

Sci-Fi - Heavy Gear Blitz

Ukraine Conflict - Chain of Command

Mogadishu - Chain of Command

Vietnam War - Chain of Command

Renaissance - Fields of Glory

Vietnam War - Chain of Command

WW2 - Chain of Command

Medieval - Lion Rampart

Napoleonic - Trafalgar

Sci-Fi - Heavy Gear Blitz

Fantasy - Age of Sigmar

Seven Years War - Maurice

Seven Years War - Maurice

WW2 - Chain of Command

Napoleonic Wars - Blucher

Cold War - Chain of Command

Napoleonic Wars - Blucher

Mogadishu - Chain of Command

WW2 - Chain of Command

Medieval - Lion Rampart

WW2 - Chain of Command

WW2 - Chain of Command

Fantasy - Age of Sigmar

Mogadishu - Chain of Command

WW2 - Chain of Command

American Civil War - Picketts Charge

Sci-Fi - Halo

Napoleonic Wars - General D'Armee

WW2 - Chain of Command

Vietnam War - Chain of Command

Pirates - Blood and Plunder

WW2 - Chain of Command

Ancients - Sword and Spear

Napoleonic Wars - General D'Armee

WW2 - Chain of Command

Vietnam War - Chain of Command

More of our gaming pictures from Hugo's Blog

Colonial - Congo

Seven Years War - Maurice

Ancients - Sword and Spear

Napoleonic Wars - General D'Armee

Seven Years War - Maurice

Seven Years War - Maurice

Napoleonic Wars - General D'Armee

Seven Years War - Maurice

Napoleonic Wars - General D'Armee

Seven Years War - Maurice

American Civil War - Sharp Practice

Pirates - In Her Majesties Name

Colonial - In Her Majesties Name

Dark Age - Sword and Spear

Napoleonic Wars - General D'Armee

Colonial - Congo

Pirates - In Her Majesties Name

Seven Years War - Maurice

Dark Age - Dux Bellorum

Colonial - In Her Majesties Name

Gaming 16 January 2018

War Machine Sharp Practice